Sunday, 22 May 2011

Obituary: Sheikh Ahmed Ali Lajpuri Surti (1919-2011)

This obituary came into being within some weeks after the Sheikh's unfortunate demise (he passed away on March 10 2011). It began as an English transcript for Dr. Akram Nadwi's Urdu speech, which he gave at a commemorative Mosque gathering a day after the burial. His talk can be heard and downloaded from here:

I had felt the talk left certain areas that are key to an obituary untouched and since his talk was exhortative in nature and loosely structured as an obituary, I found this understandable.

This brought about the desire to write up a fresh piece. However, while one side of me - the greedy talib al-'ilm - had managed to develop this grievance, another was fixated on my limitations - my own damned and incapable self.

The constant and troubling to-and-fro of this complex lead to an unsteady finish leaving the piece to undergo review. Unfortunately, while I'm grateful to the esteemed Mr. Suliman Qazi and Shaykh Andrew Booso for their quick edits, this never did happen. Work, commitments, travel and more importantly, the unforgiving realisation that there are individuals better suited to write up an obituary kept me tied down.

It is the unflinching determination of my friend Dr. Imran Satya to see this obituary materialise and circulated, in addition to the legal maxim "what cannot be acquired in its totality should not be discarded entirely either" (ما لا يدرك كله، لا يترك جله) that has forced me to think this out differently.

This post would remain incomplete without his full and proper acknowledgement. It is his unceasing encouragement and assistance that brought all of this about. Fa Jazahu Allah Khayran.

I carry the burden of guilt in this piece reflecting some of my own readings of the Shaykh. These may run counter to the perception others have of him, each writer is bound by his frame-of-reference. I take responsibility for all errors. I pray to Allah that He bless us life and death with faith. From Him we came and to Him we shall return.
